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What Are the Precautions When Processing Household Appliance Cables?

Home appliances are the most popular electronic devices on the market. The quality requirements of electrical appliances are also the most stringent. The household appliance cables are one of the core standards for checking the quality of electrical appliances. Therefore, the quality of household appliance cable is also widely concerned by major manufacturers. What are the precautions when processing household appliance cables?

1.      The correct choice of the cross-sectional area and color standard of the electrician's wire harness processing wire

The electronic harness manufacturer claims that the electrical equipment on the vehicle selects the cross-sectional area of the used wire according to the magnitude of the load current. Electrical equipment that is used for a long time can use 60% of the actual current carrying capacity of the wire; electrical equipment that works for a short period of time can use 60%-100% of the actual current carrying capacity of the wire.


2.      Electrical appliance wire harness processing wire color standard selection

For easy identification and repair, the wires in the wiring harness are of different colors.

In order to facilitate the labeling in the circuit diagram, the color of the wire is represented by a letter, and the color represented by it has a note in each circuit diagram.


3 .Electrical household appliance cable processing wire bundle

The electronic wire harness manufacturer is called to facilitate installation and maintenance, to ensure that the electrical equipment can work under the most severe conditions, and to arrange the wires of different specifications and different colors used in the electrical equipment of the whole vehicle through reasonable arrangement, and to insulate them. The material bundles the wires into bundles that are both complete and reliable.


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Name: Fenny Fang

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