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Introduction of the Characteristics & Application of Explosion-Proof Magnetic Switch

Explosion-proof switches can be used in harsh and dangerous explosion environments. The following describes the characteristics and applications of the explosion-proof magnetic switch.

Features of explosion-proof magnetic switch:

1. Compact structure and good reliability.

2. Strong analytical and anti-interference ability and high precision.

3. Small size and light weight.

4. With protection function, the power can be automatically cut off when there is overload, short circuit, phase failure or leakage in the circuit.

5. Long life.

Application of explosion-proof magnetic switch:

Explosion-proof switches are used primarily in a variety of applications that require a safe, reliable, and easily disconnected connection. Especially in the manufacturing equipment and system power supply where explosive gas may exist; also used in the petrochemical industry; including mills, granaries, paint or ink manufacturers, wood processing plants, cement plants, shipping and sewage treatment.


Explosion-proof magnetic switches are also suitable for use in external electrical equipment such as motors, pumps, lighting equipment, process control devices used in hazardous manufacturers and factories, or in explosive atmospheres that cause flammable gases, steam, mist or flammable dust.


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